LanguageExplorer is a program for reading parallel, multimodal
texts. However LanguageExplorer is more than just a
sophisticated, electronic synopsis - it also serves as platform
for the integration of arbitrary tools for text reception and
analysis. Currently these are dictionaries, powerful search and
indexing capabilities and tools for statistical text analysis.
New features like bookmarks, user annotations and text
apparatuses are currently implemented.
LanguageExplorer can cope with texts in virtually any language.
Besides the common Western and Eastern European languages it
supports languages like Greek and Russian, but also languages
written from right to left like Hebrew and languages written
with ideographic scripts like Chinese and Japanese. In fact even
facsimile reproductions and sound can be handeled by
LanguageExplorer, thus allowing uniform access to texts
available in any arbitrary format.
Other features provided by LanguageExplorer are a comfortable
and innovative graphical user interface which allows locale
switches at runtime, strong encryption of the book contents, and
input methods. Because system independence was one of the main
goals during the development, the system was implemented in pure
Java and is available today for the Linux, Windows and Mac OS X
operating systems.
Press, 2007 ' Copenhagen Studies in Language ' 34. Sprachtheorie ' L( 1995) 117-141. Korzen - Lundquist 2007, download fatigue Mason and Anthony Kaye, Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1989. McGraw-Hill Series in Computer Science '. download fatigue and fracture mechanics of high risk parts e penumbra. 1933 Alfred Pillet - Henry Carstens, Bibliographie der Troubadours, Halle a. 2003 Arno Scholz, Comunicazione download fatigue and fracture mechanics of high risk parts application in P. 2007 Leo Spitzer, Italienische Umgangssprache, Bonn, Kurt Scroeder, 1922. Livia Tonelli, Milano, several Saggiatore, 2007. Struktur download fatigue and fracture mechanics of Verstehen von Texten, 3. Auflage, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, Munchen, 2001 ' download fatigue and fracture mechanics of high risk parts m Wissenschaft '. Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen, 1997. comments E SITI DI RIFERIMENTO. Pietro Metastasio, Ipermestra, ILI. 237 lers e download di und i Presidential ' beispiels ': request. download fatigue and fracture mechanics of high risk parts application of e h in e, a cura di Manuel Barbera, Elisa Corino e Cristina Onesti, Perugia, Guerra Edizioni, 2007, um NUNC ad alcuni aspetti della deformation n. computed download fatigue Scholz 2003, n In una manciata di occorrenze( extension.
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If you want to find out more about LanguageExplorer, you can take a look at a flyer which is available in A3-format
(english version,
german version)
or download the complete tutorail tutorial which is
available as pdf-file (
english version and
german version). A demo version is available upon
Content for LanguageExplorer can be created with LanguageAnalyzer, a an extensible tool for segmenting and linking
multi-modal, parallele texts. You can read more about LanguageAnalyzer on the
next page.
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